Buy Google Maps Citations service

Buy Google Maps Citations

Google maps citations help improve your google placement ranking and local business in SERP. Getting rank in search engine using local SEO is difficult but not impossible if you properly manage your GMB. We will create google custom maps point to optimize your google maps place or google my business page. We will submit your business details on your common radius miles area from your location pointing to your business. All map points will show your business details.

Price: $5.00/Per Review

Why you need to buy google maps citations for local SEO

A google map citation is actually just a mention of your business name, it’s address and phone number. A citation is a business directory where your company is mentioned and its necessary information so that customers can easily find you.

It’s important to have the same phone number, address and business name consistently in all business directories and citations so that it can help your map listing rank higher in local searches.

Ranking factor: Citations are used to help rank your google local map listing by supplying google with reputable sources of information about your business so google can validate your business existence, is legitimate and that what you have said about your business is accurate by corroborating information about your business from multiple sources.

Improve customer’s loyalty: When customers can find you on google map and they can see your all information is accurate and it helps them to understand your business and products. It will ultimately build a good relation with your customers.

buy google maps citations for local SEO

Why choose us?

Google reviews are the most trustworthy reviews online that boost your business without spending lots of money. You don’t need to know slick marketing for google reviews. Because there are lots of sellers who help you to buy google maps citations for local SEO. The cost is also affordable.

ReviewCT is one of the best google reviews providers in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and France.

Simply, you can take google reviews from your customers by giving them the direct link from your Google My Business. But, when you have the new setup of the business that means you have no customers yet.

This is the time when you need to fix up your google maps citations for local SEO domination. These are your online details that customers will read before taking decision to buy from you. And now Google maps and reviews play an important role to rank your business locally on SERP.

How we work?

The main benefit of having google reviews is it boosts the local SEO of your business. And the local searches or ranking help to reach your products to your local customers in real time.

Verified reviews: You buy google maps citations and reviews and also want your every review would be verified because verified reviews can impact your business positively by increasing new customers.

5-star positive reviews: Before buying a product, people want to know about the satisfaction level of your customers. When they see lots of 5-star reviews on your Google profile saying good things, they will be more interested to your products.

Local reviewer profile: We help you to buy google maps citations and google reviews ensuring the reviewers local profile, meaning if your business is located in UK or USA then we give you GMB reviews from the UK profiles.

No bots, permanent reviews: We have thousands of real profile located various locations in the world. We don’t use any bots or software. We manually do human process to buy google maps citations and reviews for your GMB page.

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Buy Google Maps Citations and Reviews to Boost Your Local Search Ranking (SEO)

One of the easiest ways to get your business noticed by potential customers is to do Google Custom Maps from a company that specializes in this field. In this article, we will show you how google custom maps work and why it’s so effective in the internet age. If you’re ready to see your business grow faster than ever before, then keep reading!

What are google maps citations?

If you haven’t heard of them, google map citation is essentially a way for local businesses that have also physical addresses (for example, a restaurant) to be associated with that location online.

When someone searches for your business using a mapping program like Google or Yahoo, your business will be placed near its actual location. Map citations also make it easy for search engines like Bing or Google to crawl and index your address. Essentially, if you have an online presence and you aren’t showing up on maps then chances are that people won’t be able to find you when they look at local listings on their mobile device or computer.

It’s important to note that these search engine maps citations aren’t free—but they can be worth every penny.

Why? Because one citation could mean hundreds more customers over time. More importantly, getting your business listed on Google maps can help increase your local SEO rankings across all platforms—which is a win-win situation for any company looking to grow online.

What are the benefits of buying google maps citations?

If you are looking to move your business up in rankings on google maps and would like to receive more local traffic then purchasing google maps citations for local SEO is a great way to do it.

There are many benefits when it comes down to buying google maps citations. When you buy an citation you can get links back from a page that has already been indexed by google, which will boost your local rankings. This means that people who aren’t even in your area but searching for businesses in your area may end up clicking on one of your pages. So how do google maps citations help you?

Luckily, we’ve put together a few tips to help you get started. Buying google reviews also a great way to rank higher.

What should I expect after buying google maps citations?

You can expect that your business will start showing up in local search results on google maps. If you are unsure what Google maps local search is, then check out their help center guide. You should be able to see how many citations you bought and find your citation under purchased or sold order history. From there you can download them as a spreadsheet in case you want a copy of them.

You will also get an email with a link to where you can download your citations. This may take some time for google to update so please be patient. Once they have been updated it could take anywhere from 1-3 days for them to show up in local search results.

Please note: These aren’t fake listings and won’t hurt your site’s reputation by buying these links. In fact they will only help boost it! There is no risk here at all! I personally use these links on my own sites every month with great success! They work very well! I have been using these services for over 2 years now with thousands of orders completed successfully without any complaints!

Where can I buy google maps citations from?

Well, there is a new directory which has been created with only one goal in mind and that is to offer businesses and entrepreneurs like yourself with trusted listings. This means that all of your citations will be real citations coming from local publications.

Therefore, when you purchase them from Listing Craze, you will no longer have to worry about unwanted ads or other sites stealing your SEO ranking spot. They also offer free consultations for their clients so if you have any questions about how these citations will benefit your business, then do not hesitate in contacting them via live chat.

To get an even better understanding of what they can do for you, then make sure to follow them on Facebook for updates and coupons as well as website optimization tips.

3 reasons why every business should invest in local SEO

It’s important for every business to find new ways of generating leads and revenue. But a common pitfall businesses face is relying on traditional methods, such as advertising, that can be expensive and cost little in return. In today’s digital age, local search has become an important marketing strategy used by many businesses and organizations because it allows businesses to connect with customers in their area who are looking for services.

Local search helps strengthen a company’s brand recognition by improving its online presence. This marketing approach also gives your business more control over how you connect with potential clients than most other traditional advertising methods do.

Besides being less expensive, local search generates higher returns on investment than other forms of digital marketing like social media or display ads.

ReviewCT: The Best Place to Buy Google Maps Citations

Buy google maps citations for local SEO to rank your business. Google maps citations help you boost your Google place and GMB ranking locally. Whether your business has physical locations or you run an online business, you need to make sure that Google can locate you accurately on their map.

If you want Google to pick up your correct business information, including address, phone number, and hours of operation; then you’ll need to buy Google maps citations from companies like ReviewCT.

Read more below to learn more about why ReviewCT is the best place to buy Google maps citations for local SEO and how they can help your business achieve success online.

Why is our google maps citations service different?

Many sites simply sell citations in bulk and leave it up to you, as a business owner, to either fill them yourself or contact your virtual assistant or customer service rep. Not at ReviewsCT. Our team of citation specialists are happy to set up citations for you and your staff so that you can focus on other important aspects of running your business.

We’ve worked hard over many years developing our relationships with local governments, chambers of commerce, newspapers, television stations and others; relationships that provide us access to people who not only want you around but also have an interest in helping drive traffic and new customers toward you.

Where can I buy google maps citations?

We understand you might have some reservations about putting your credit card information into a website that’s relatively unknown. Fear not! We only accept credit cards from US-based sellers and do not bill internationally. Our site is also SSL secured with 256-bit encryption so your data is safe while being transferred. And don’t forget, we’ll be here to answer any questions you may have! So, what are you waiting for? Visit our homepage or request a quote today!

How much does it cost to buy google maps citations?

One of the biggest questions on our customer’s minds is how much a citation costs. Unfortunately, we can’t give you an exact number because every map service provider will price their services differently; however, you can be sure that we offer competitive pricing so our clients get great value for their money.

In fact, one thing you’ll notice when researching competitors is that many are less transparent about their pricing and terms than ReviewCT, which means that buying citations from those sites could cost significantly more in lost time and resources down the road. If there’s one place to buy citations from, it’s ReviewCT. Why? Because we believe in transparency and honesty above all else!​ ​

Why should I trust ReviewCT?

Because there are a lot of companies out there that claim they can get you listed on Google Maps. But what makes ReviewCT different? There are several things we do that set us apart from our competitors, but most importantly, we stand behind our services with 100% guarantee. Not only will you get your citations when we say you’ll get them, but if something goes wrong with your order within 30 days of submission, we’ll provide a full refund. If something happens between 30 and 60 days after you receive your citations, contact us and we’ll work something out for you.

How do I get started?

Buying a citation is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Simply go to our website and select your package; ReviewCT has several options ranging from $99 – $499 depending on how many citations you want. Next, provide us with an example of what kind of business you have or just type in I’m a local store and we will take care of everything for you.

Lastly, sit back and relax; we will contact your business directly and get everything taken care of for you! It’s that simple! Are there any restrictions? Of course not! Why would there be? You’re helping businesses grow after all!

Common questions & answers

What is a Google map citation? How do I buy one? Where can I use them? How do they work? When should I purchase citations in ReviewCT, and when should I use them directly on my website, WordPress or website builder account? Here are a few basic answers. What is a Google map citation? A google map citation is an HTML snippet that you place on your website that allows you to display your business information (address, phone number, etc.) in maps results.

You can also place it in other places like social media profiles and directories. It’s not necessary for all businesses but it’s helpful for local businesses that want their customers to be able to find them online easily through maps results.


No matter what your situation, there’s a solution for you. ReviewCT is always on top of things and can get you ranked quickly and safely. By using our google maps citations service, you won’t have to worry about your local SEO compromising your business goals in any way—in fact, you’ll be back up in rank and making money sooner than expected. Trust their team to do what they do best. They will not disappoint you!